27. Februay 2024
Holzhaus LINSE at the exhibition "DA! Architecture in and from Berlin!"
This year, we are once again represented at the annual exhibition of the Berlin Chamber of Architects. Our wooden house "LINSE", which we planned and realized for a building community, will be shown as an exemplary project. In the new Schöneberger Linse district, an innovative ecological KfW 40+ timber house with 18 residential units, including a cluster apartment, a youth club and several common rooms, was built in a central location.
Our project emerged as the winner of a BIM concept procedure.
Exhibition opening:
Friday, March 15, 2024, 7 pm at Living Berlin, Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin
Registration under this link.
More information here.
23./24. January 2024
Wood Construction Conference "Build in Wood", Hamburg
The two-day "Build in Wood" event is a platform for the exchange of knowledge in the field of timber construction.
Susanne Scharabi will speak about the constructive diversity in multi-storey timber construction on the first day of the conference.
More information here.
13. November 2023
Urban timber construction will also be a topic in the seminar of the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects, which Susanne Scharabi will hold as a speaker on the 13th of November 23, entitled "Wood as a material of the future: sustainability and innovation in timber construction".
Information and registration for the training course at this link.
07. July 2023
The STADT FORUM POTSDAM is an independent initiative that deals with questions of Potsdam's urban development. Citizens have the opportunity to critically discuss current urban development issues with a panel of politicians and experts.
Susanne Scharabi was invited to speak on the topic of "Sustainable Building for Potsdam" at the beginning of July. The debate centred on the switch to wood as a building material.
Further contributions came from Prof. Dipl. Ing. Eike Roswag-Klinge from the office ZRS Architekten, from Stefanie Weidner from the office Werner Sobek and from Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz, Managing Director Bauhaus Erde, Potsdam, among others.
Many thanks for the exciting exchange!
Further information under this link.
Video recording here.
Picture: Landeshauptstadt Potsdam / Barbara Plate
04. June 2023
Farid Scharabi has been accepted into the Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten, Landesverband Berlin. The BDA is committed to a continuous discourse on building culture and the interests of the profession.
Further information on the BDA can be found at this link.
Picture: Rainer Gollmer
24. April 2023
„Berlin: Urbane Architektur und Alltag 2009–2022“ (publisher: DETAIL Special):
This book offers an architectural discovery tour through Berlin and provides an impressive insight into the recent architecture of the German capital. It documents urban redevelopment since the opening of the Neues Museum in 2009 using the example of around 30 selected architectural and landscape architecture projects. Interviews with protagonists of the Berlin architectural scene provide a glimpse behind the scenes.
More information under this link.
30. June 2023
Online launch of the "Atlas of Post Carbon Architecture
The "Atlas of Post Carbon Architecture" is a cooperation between the Czech Passive House Centre and the Natural Building Lab of the TU Berlin, supported by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU).
The aim of the European information platform is to make examples of climate-friendly architecture visible and accessible.
The main factors in the selection of projects were ecological and social criteria such as resource consumption and the generation of carbon dioxide emissions during the entire life cycle of the building or its integration into the neighbourhood.
In an 8-minute video, Susanne Scharabi guides us through the "Walden 48" project, which was created in collaboration with Anne Raupach.
Website "Atlas of Post Carbon Architecture"
©Czech Passive House Centre and Natural Building Lab of the TU Berlin
18. April 2023
Susanne Scharabi is offering a design seminar at University of Applied Sciences Erfurt in the summer semester of 2023. As part of the "Interdisciplinary Timber Construction" project studio, students with a particular interest in resource-saving planning and construction will have the opportunity to develop ideas for the "Neue Uferhallen Berlin". The new Master's course is aimed at graduates of the Bachelor's degree programmes in architecture and civil engineering.
Information on the "Interdisciplinary Timber Construction" course of study.
Picture: Sam Lueth
04. January 2023
Under the title "Des initiatives pour une Europe plus verte", Radio France Internationale presents four "green projects" in Belgium, Portugal, Germany and Great Britain in a report. Our Berlin project "Holzhaus LINSE" is one of them.
Radio France Internationale is the foreign service of public radio in France.
Link to the radio report (in French) / Interview with Farid Scharabi from minute 11:30:
17. November 2022
Visiting professorship in Stuttgart for Farid Scharabi
Since the winter semester 2022/23, Farid Scharabi has been holding a visiting professorship at the University of Stuttgart, Faculty of Architecture, at the "Institut für Baukonstruktion".
At the chair for "Nachhaltigkeit, Baukonstruktion und Entwerfen", he teaches and researches topics in the field of "Innovationen im Holzbau".
The first design is a lido and bathhouse in the western archipelago of Sweden and the first seminar is a comprehensive exploration of the materials wood and water.
Further information about the chair under this link.
12. November 2022
Sustainability on Saturday
In the training series "Sustainability on Saturday" organised by the "Architektenkammer Berlin", climate-friendly planning and ecological building are discussed using successful new and existing projects from Berlin and other European countries.
On 12 November, Susanne Scharabi will give an online lecture on the "Walden 48" joint building project in timber construction. Participants will gain an insight into the special features of urban timber construction and into planning and building for groups.
Date of the online event:
Saturday, 12 November 2022, 16.00 to 18.00 hrs.
More information and registration under this link.
Picture: Andreas Meichsner
03. November 2022
"Walden 48" awarded as best project
At the Heinze ArchitekturAWARD 2022 under the title "New Living", our project "Walden 48" won 1st prize! Among other things, the jury was impressed by the exemplary inner-city redensification on a former cemetery site. We are very pleased!
The award ceremony took place on 3rd of November 2022 during the 3-day climate festival in the old forge halls in Düsseldorf.
Information on the ArchitekturAWARD can be found here.
Picture: Winner ArchitectureAWARD 2022
21. September 2022
Topping-out ceremony for the project "Grundschule am Eichenwald"
Today we were able to celebrate the topping-out ceremony for the "Grundschule am Eichenwald" together with the District Mayor of Spandau, Dr. Carola Brückner, the District Councillor for Education, Culture and Sport, Frank Bewig, as well as the construction companies and those involved in the planning.
The renovation and conversion of the administration building from the 1930s will create sufficient space for the school's administration and pedagogical staff. The new roof truss and the connecting corridor between the school and the administration building were planned in ecological timber construction with wood fibre insulation and timber cladding.
More information about the project can be found here.
Picture: Bezirksamt Spandau
20. September 2022
„Walden 48“ on shortlist
Our project "Walden 48" has been shortlisted for the Heinze ArchitekturAWARDS 2022! The prize is awarded to exemplary housing projects that are convincing not only in terms of design but also in social, ecological or sustainable aspects.
The award ceremony will take place on 3 November 2022 as part of the 3-day climate festival in the old forge halls in Düsseldorf.
Information on the ArchitekturAWARD can be found here.
Picture: Jan Bitter
24. August 2022
Wood is good for our health!
A medical study found that visible wooden surfaces in buildings reduce stress and prevent chronic diseases, among other things.
More information about the research results by Maximilian Moser, Medical University of Graz, can be found here.
22. August 2022 / 29. September 2022
Potsdamer Holzbau-Initiative
The state capital Potsdam would like to initiate projects and plans at the political level to strengthen timber construction.
In cooperation with ProPotsdam, workshops on the topic of timber construction will be held on August 22, 2022, with Susanne Scharabi participating as an expert. The result should be a memorandum that provides concrete recommendations for action for future timber construction projects in Potsdam and Brandenburg. Klara Geywitz, Federal Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Construction, will speak at the end of the event.
The results will be presented to the public in a public forum on September 29, 2022.
Date: Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Orangerie of the Biosphäre Potsdam.
more information here
Holzhaus am Waldpark | Foto: Jan Bitter
17. August 2022
Video presentation Scharabi Architects
As part of our office presentation for the Architects' Pool of the IBA Hamburg (here), we produced a video in which we present our working methods and projects.
Have fun watching it!
28. & 29. July 2022
More than 600 participants met on June 28th and 29th in Berlin at the 3rd German Timber Construction Congress "Forum Holzbau Deutschland: Bauen mit Holz im urbanen Raum" to inform themselves about current issues in timber construction and to exchange ideas.
Farid Scharabi was invited to present our housing project "HOLZHAUS LINSE" on the topic "Bauen mit Holz im urbanen Raum".
More information here
Picture: Forum Holzbau, Biel/Bienne
27. July 2022
Podcast "Von A bis HolZ"
The podcast of proHolz Austria is about questions around the material wood and building with wood. The talks focus on the three cities of Berlin, Munich and Vienna.
Susanne Scharabi reports in episode #2 entitled "Wood in the City - Berlin" about the development of timber construction in the capital as well as about our building community project in timber "Walden 48", which was developed in a work group with Anne Raupach.
The episode can be viewed on the website of proHolz Austria
via YouTube and the usual podcast platforms.
01. July 2022
New project building group "Gärtnerhof"
Together with the building association "Gärtnerhof", we are pleased to announce that the purchase contract for the property in Potsdam's Lennéstraße has been signed!
The listed building ensemble with front house and "Gärtnerhaus" from the 18th century will be complemented by two new buildings in timber construction with a total of 14 apartments. Uses such as community and coworking spaces as well as a window café radiate into the neighborhood.
The order emerged from a conceptual design process in which our design prevailed.
Courtyard view Lennéstraße, © Scharabi Architekten
22. November 2021
Publication Architecture Guide Germany 2022
The Architecture Guide Germany 2022 offers a panoramic view of 98 buildings that have recently been realized. The selection was made by the German Architecture Museum in cooperation with external experts. We are pleased that "Walden 48" is among them!
27. June 2022
State Secretary Dr. Bösinger visited "Holzhaus Linse"
The State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction, Dr. Rolf Bösinger, visited our HOLZHAUS LINSE at the end of June. One of the ministry's goals is to improve the CO2 balance of the building sector by building with wood.
The Central Association of the German Construction Industry had invited the delegation.
from left to right: Farid Scharabi, Dr. Rolf Bösinger, Felix Pakleppa
Photo: © ZDB, Hill
19. November 2021
Professional policy work
The representative assembly of the Berlin Chamber of Architects has elected Susanne Scharabi to the working committee "Competition and Awarding". The committee deals with professional policy issues, develops concepts and advises members on fundamental questions of public procurement and competition.
Interested chamber members can attend the meetings as guests at any time. The meeting dates are published in the online calendar:
25. and 26. June 2022
HOLZHAUS Linse at the Day of Architecture
This year we are represented at the nationwide Day of Architecture with a guided tour of our ecological KfW 40+ HOLZHAUS Linse.
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 11 am
Saturday, June 25, 2022, 12 pm
Address: Gotenstrasse 44, 10829 Berlin- Schöneberg.
Please register at f.scharabi@scharabi.de
More infos here
01. June 2022
Qualification for the IBA Hamburg pool of architects
In Hamburg's Wilhelmsburg district, nearly 5,000 apartments will be built in the next few years - up to 20% are earmarked for joint building ventures.
IBA Hamburg GmbH has put together a pool of qualified architectural firms to support the joint building ventures in the planning and construction of their projects.
We were able to convince with our application and were included in the pool!
More infos here
Concept IBA Hamburg, © Scharabi Architekten
Second place in the expert discourse for a neighborhood development in Krampnitz
The 140-hectare historic barracks in Potsdam-Krampnitz are being turned into a new neighborhood for a total of around 10,000 people through redensification. Within the framework of an expert discussion by "Deutsche Wohnen", we developed an urban planning concept for the densification of the listed "Klinkerhöfe" with new residential buildings as the nucleus of the new quarter.
We are very happy about the 2nd place!
More information about the quarter in Krampnitz here
perspective sketch and site plan neighborhood development Krampnitz, © Scharabi Architekten
24. May 2022
Lecture activity
We are pleased that our expertise is requested for numerous lectures on the topic of timber construction!
At the "Berlin Real Estate Congress" on May 24, Farid Scharabi will have the opportunity to speak to stakeholders in the real estate industry in the panel on timber construction.
In the context of the "German timber construction congress" to the topic "building with wood in the urban area" Susanne Scharabi will present our housing project "HOLZHAUS LINSE" on 28 June.
Information and registration:
Berlin Real Estate Congress:
German Timber Construction Congress:
Holzhaus Linse | Photo: Andreas Meichsner
05. May 2022
Expert dialogue "Urban timber construction" with guided tour through HOLZHAUS LINSE
At the beginning of May, we were able to give interested parties a guided tour of our "HOLZHAUS LINSE" project as part of the "Urban timber construction" expert dialog. The expert dialogue was jointly organized by the Senate Department for the Environment, Mobility, Consumer and Climate Protection and Environment, as well as by the Gesamtverband Deutscher Holzhandel e.V. (GD Holz).
12. April 2022
"Walden 48" is on the cover of the new CUBE Magazine
In the CUBE Magazine Berlin, which is published four times a year, an article about our multi-family house in timber construction has been published. The project was developed in collaboration with Anne Raupach.
Link to the current CUBE magazine: www.cube-magazin.de
01. April 2022
Building senator Andreas Geisel visits HOLZHAUS LINSE
As part of the "Wood Construction Tour", Andreas Geisel, Senator for Urban Development, Construction and Housing, visited the construction site of our residential building "HOLZHAUS LINSE". He informed himself about our current timber construction project as a possible model for the coalition's new construction initiative.
Photograph: Mathias Kraatz
29. March 2022
Election to the BDA Board
Susanne Scharabi was elected to the board of the BDA Berlin. Since 2020, Susanne Scharabi has been a member of the Berlin regional association, where she is involved in the timber construction / sustainable building working group and the professional policy working group, among other things.
The Association of German Architects is committed to a continuous discourse on building culture as well as the interests of the profession.
10. October 2021
Recognition at the award "Residential Buildings of 2021"
The residential building "Walden 48" in Berlin was awarded a recognition at the award "Residential Buildings of the Year 2021". Together with the building group, we are delighted about the award, which is given to innovative, contemporary and outstandingly designed multi-storey residential buildings in Germany! Last year, our glue-free wooden building for the "Wohnen am Waldpark" building group in Potsdam already received an award in the "Participative Planning" category.
In the supporting book publication "Ausgezeichneter Wohnungsbau 2021" 50 selected projects from German-speaking countries are shown.
For further information on the "Housing of the Year 2021" award:
For further info on the book publication "Excellent Housing 2021":
15. February 2022
B-Part is part of the exhibition „da! Architecture in an from Berlin! 2022"
In its annual exhibition, the Berlin Chamber of Architects shows selected projects of its members. This year we are represented with the project "B-Part Am Gleisdreieck", a temporary multifunctional building in timber construction.
The exhibition opening will take place on March 11, 2022 at 7 pm.
Exhibition: March 12 - April 9, 2022
Opening hours Mon-Sat 10am-7pm
Living Berlin, Kantstraße 17, 10623 Berlin
Admission free
Parallel to the exhibition opening, the yearbook ARCHITEKTUR BERLIN | BUILDING BERLIN will be published with all selected buildings.
More info on the exhibition
More info about the yearbook
Photograph: Jan Bitter
24. January 2022
BDA-Prize Berlin 2021: "Walden 48" receives honorable mention
The BDA Prize Berlin, which is awarded every three years, honors architects and their clients jointly for exemplary architectural achievements.
Our new wooden residential building "Walden 48" was selected from over 100 submitted projects and awarded an honorable mention.
The award ceremony, which will also include an exhibition of all submitted projects, will take place on May 3, 2022 at the Deutsche Oper Berlin.
All projects will also be documented in the detailed BDA PREIS BERLIN 2021 catalog.
For further information on the BDA-Prize Berlin 2021:
© BDA Berlin/Grafik HERR+MANN/C. Sauvaget
11. November, 2021
Lecture on Walden 48
On November 11, 2021, Farid Scharabi will present the "Walden 48" community housing project in detail as part of an event on the topic of wood as a renewable building material. Other presenters will include the Fraunhofer Institut for Wood Research. It will certainly be an interesting evening!
Lecture: "Natural spaces in an urban setting - Walden 48 in detail".
Date: 11.11.2011 from 18:30 to 21:00 o'clock
Place: ELEMENTE materialForum, Am Tempelhofer Berg 6, 3rd staircase ground floor, 10965 Berlin
Admission: 15 €. The event is recognized as a continuing education course for architects with 2 UE.
Please register at anmeldungen@elemente-material.de.
For further information about the ELEMENTE materialForum:
Photographer: Jan Bitter
September 2021
Editorialboard for the magazin "Zuschnitt 82"
In September 2021, the austrian magazine "Zuschnitt 82" was published with the title "City - Wood - Climate". The edition shows the contribution that wood as a building material can make to climate-neutral and resource-saving construction in the city.
Susanne Scharabi accepted the invitation to participate in the editorial board. In an international team, exciting discussions about the developments of urban timber construction in the cities of Vienna, Munich and Berlin took place.
In the article "Still small and young, but very dynamic" Claus Käpplinger talks about the timber construction scene in Berlin - including our projects "Walden 48", "Wohnen an der Barnimkante" and "Neubau Mensa" for the Waldorf School in Berlin.
You can download the entire edition here:
16. September, 2021
BDA-Prize - Architecture in Brandenburg 2021
Special Prize in Sustainability for our Holzhaus am Waldpark
The "Award for Good Buildings in Brandenburg" is presented every 4 years. After a year of delay due to corona, we were finally able to receive the Sustainability Award on September 16, which was presented for the first time in 2020. We are pleased that our glue-free wooden house, for a building group in Potsdam, could convince the judges!
The exhibition of all participating buildings in the Orangerie in Neuer Garten in Potsdam is open to the public from friday 17. to sunday 19. September from 11:00 to 17:00.
For further information about the BDA Award Brandenburg:
June 30, 2021
In the new Schöneberger Linse neighborhood, an innovative ecological wooden house is being built in a central location with 17 residential units, a youth club, several community rooms and a large communal courtyard. Our project has emerged as the winner of a concept procedure of the BIM.
To the project Holzhaus Linse!
June 15, 2021
We are very pleased about the award of "Walden 48" at the German Architecture Award 2021! The state prize for exemplary buildings is the most important award for architects in Germany and is awarded jointly by the Federal Ministry of Construction and the Federal Chamber of Architects.
It honors buildings of special architectural quality that are committed to sustainable construction in ecological, economic and socio-cultural terms, among other things.
Information about the architecture award can be found here
April 17, 2021
We are happy to announce that our residential building "Walden 48", created in ARGE with Anne Raupach, has been selected for the longlist for the DAM Prize!
Now we have to wait because the winning project will only be announced at the award ceremony scheduled for the end of January 2022 at the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM).
Info on the DAM Prize for Architecture:
01 June - 01 July 2021 | Dialog evening on 15 June 2021
From June 1 to July 1, the first festival on the topic of women in architecture will take place in Berlin. In more than 60 events with the motto "Baustelle Gleichstellung" (Construction Site Equality), there will be an opportunity to engage with works by women and the current situation of our profession.
As part of the "Renewable Houses" dialogue, Susanne Scharabi, Minka Kersten, Elise Pischetsrieder and Susanne Sturm will present the four offices' timber construction projects. In the subsequent discussion, the architects will discuss their experiences and their experimental approach to wood as a building material.
Dialogue "Renewable Houses", 15.06.21, 18:00 - 20:00 hrs.
in the feldfünf I Metropolenhaus, Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 7-8, 10969 Berlin
Due to the pandemic, unfortunately only a limited number of people can be present on site. Registration is therefore required at:
Online, the evening can be followed without registration via this link:
Further information about the festival:
May 20, 2021
On June 10 and 11, 2021, the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) will address the opportunities of wood as a raw material in sustainable construction in Germany and Europe in its event series "Charter for Wood 2.0 in Dialog".
Accompanying the conference, the virtual excursion "Berlin as a timber construction capital" is invited, where our two projects "B-Part Am Gleisdreieck" and "Walden 48" can be visited.
Virtual excursion: "Berlin as a timber construction capital".
Registration here! hier !
May 17, 2021
Under the title "Building wooden houses in the city!" Susanne Scharabi will talk about our work on May 19, 2021 as part of the "Dessauer Gespräche" at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences. Start time is 6:30pm via Zoom Webinar, attendance is free:
We are looking forward to many participants!
April 21, 2021
The "HolzbauPlus" competition organized by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) aims to promote building with renewable raw materials as a contribution to climate-friendly building culture. Our project "Walden 48", which we developed together with Anne Raupach, was able to prevail against almost 200 applicants and was selected by the jury as a prize winner in the category "Residential multi-family houses - new construction".
We are very pleased!
Further information about the federal competition "HolzbauPlus 2020":
March 31, 2021
A film by Deutsche Welle presents our residential buildings "Walden 48" and "Holzhaus Linse" in the series "Made in Germany". The topic of the English-language video is the ecological advantages of building with wood. Among other things, Farid Scharabi talks about the special atmosphere of wooden buildings.
Video: "Wood use rising for tower blocks":
Photographer: Andreas Meichsner
March 25, 2021
This year we are again represented at the annual exhibition of the Berlin Chamber of Architects. Our timber construction for a building group "Walden 48" will be shown publicly as an exemplary project at stilwerk Berlin.
Due to the pandemic, the opening will take place digitally this year: first impressions of the exhibition can be seen from April 16, 2021, 6 pm at www.ak-berlin.de/da-ausstellung.
April 17 to May 15, 2021
Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
stilwerk Berlin, Kantstrasse 17, 10623 Berlin
Admission free
Photographer: Jan Bitter
March 05, 2021
The architecture festival "Turn on" in Vienna has been organized for almost 20 years by the Architecture Foundation Austria in cooperation with Margit Ulama.
The lectures with international speakers focus on new and innovative aspects of building.
This year Susanne Scharabi presented the six-story residential building Walden 48 online together with Roman Fritz, the managing director of Rubner Holzbau GmbH.
The recording of the presentation can be found here:
November 09, 2020
The atlas is the first digital platform of the metropolitan region Berlin-Brandenburg, where about 70 innovative timber construction projects are portrayed and located on an interactive map.
The Natural Building Lab of the Institute of Architecture of the TU Berlin has launched the platform together with the Senate Department for Environment, Transport and Climate Protection in order to promote wood as a climate-neutral and resource-saving building material.
We are pleased that our office is represented with three projects: "Walden 48", "Holzhaus am Waldpark" and multifunctional building "B-Part".
Farid Scharabi will present our project "Walden 48" at the digital launch on Thursday, 12.11.20 at 18:00.
Digital launch: Zoom-Link
Registration possible at info@holzbauatlas.berlin!
Link to the Timber Construction Atlas Berlin-Brandenburg
December 03, 2020
This year, the presentation of the newly appointed BDA members took place as a digital live stream as part of the Bauwelt Congress. Six Berlin offices introduced themselves in the tried-and-tested Pecha Kucha format, each 6 minutes and 40 seconds long. Susanne Scharabi gave a presentation on four timber buildings that our office has realized in the last ten years in Berlin and Potsdam.
The recording of the lectures can be found in the BDA-Mediathek:
October 14, 2020
Our residential building "Walden 48", created in ARGE with Anne Raupach, could prevail against a large number of submitted projects and is now one of three finalists.
The winner of the competition will be announced at a festive award ceremony on December 4, 2020.
More info on the German Sustainability Award for Architecture 2021:
Photo Jan Bitter
10. August 2020
In the new Schöneberger Linse neighborhood, an innovative ecological wooden house is being built in a central location with 17 residential units, a youth club, several community rooms and a large communal courtyard. Our project has emerged as the winner of a concept procedure of the BIM.
>> to the project "Holzhaus Linse"

October 05, 2020
The "Holzhaus am Waldpark" in Potsdam was honored at the "Award Deutscher Wohnungsbau" in the category "Participative Planning". Together with the construction community, we are pleased about the award, which is given to innovative, contemporary and outstandingly designed multi-storey residential buildings in Germany!
The awarded projects will be exhibited at the Architekturgalerie München from November 16 to 21, 2020.
More info on the German Housing 2020 Award:
Project description in the book "Ausgezeichneter Wohnungsbau", Callwey Verlag
We are represented with "Walden 48" at this year's ArchitekturPreis Berlin. Until 04 October the winner of the audience award will be determined.
August 13, 2020
Two of our projects are among the total of eight nominees at the German Sustainability Award Architecture 2021! The residential building "Walden 48", developed in ARGE with Anne Raupach, convinced the jury as well as the temporary multifunctional building "B-Part Am Gleisdreieck"!
Excerpt from the jury report on "Walden 48": "The exemplary effect of the project lies in the high quality of architectural design. As a building with a strong proportion of visible wooden surfaces and facades, it is exemplary for urban timber construction and sets a milestone in the discourse on residential construction in timber, which is just beginning in Berlin."
Excerpt from the jury report on "B-Part Am Gleisdreieck": "The building, constructed in modular timber construction, can be quickly erected and dismantled and comparatively easily reerected elsewhere. This makes it very flexible to use and increases the positive primary energy balance through repeated use of construction and materials.... It was extremely positively evaluated that this kind of temporary architecture is possible without the use of lined up and stacked containers, and can develop an appealing shape in the constructive make."
The prize is awarded jointly with the DGNB and with the support of the Federal Chamber of Architects, the Association of German Architects and the Federal Foundation for Building Culture. On September 15, 2020, the jury will decide on the finalists and the winner.
More info on the German Sustainability Award for Architecture 2021:
August 04, 2020
Our temporary wooden building on the site of the future Urban Center Am Gleisdreieck convinced the jury of the "ICONIC AWARD 2020"! In the category "Architecture: Special" the project was awarded with the "ICONIC AWARD 2020: Innovative Architecture - Selection". We are happy!
More information at
July 22, 2020
"Bundespreis Ecodesign 2020" / "Holzhaus am Waldpark"
The "Holzhaus am Waldpark" has convinced another panel of experts and is invited to the jury session at the "Bundespreis Ecodesign 2020"! The building was erected for a construction group in ecological solid and glue-free timber construction.
In addition to high design quality, the competition entries had to stand out for their environmental compatibility throughout the entire life cycle.
More information about the Federal Ecodesign Award 2020 at
June 27/28, 2020
At this year's "Day of Architecture" we will offer guided tours of "Walden 48".
The 7,000 sqm building in solid wood construction was realized for a construction group.
More info at www.ak-berlin.de
20. Juni 2020
The exhibition "Gemeinschaft als Modell" shows architectural models of offices that represent the theme of community in diverse forms. Our building community project "Walden 48" is part of the exhibition. The models will be shown publicly in the rooms of the BDA Galerie and via livestream.
BDA Gallery
Mommsenstrasse 64
10629 Berlin
June - August 13, 2020
More info at
Our largest wooden building to date, the building community project Walden 48, with 43 apartments and 7,000 sqm GFA, will be completed at the end of April 2020.
We are very proud! We are happy to offer guided tours of the project. Please contact us for more information!

Our project Holzhaus am Waldpark, a joint building project built in solid and glue-free timber construction, was already awarded the Climate Prize of the City of Potsdam in 2018.
This year, it is featured in the exhibition "DA! Architecture in and from Berlin" exhibition. The exhibition will take place from March 7 to April 4, 20 at Stilwerk, Berlin. The exhibition opening is on March 6, 20 at 7:00 pm.
You are cordially invited to attend!
We are pleased to announce that Susanne Scharabi has been appointed to the Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA.
As a newly appointed member of the BDA we now also present ourselves at the virtual exhibition "neu im club"